Douglas Co. Tsunami Preparedness Workshop, March 15

The Emergency Management Division of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department and the Douglas County Safety Committee is offering free training to the public regarding preparation and response for a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake. The County has invited Dr. Altheo Rizzo, Oregon Office of Emergency Management, Geologic Hazards Program Coordinator to present a one hour workshop at the Douglas County Library’s Ford Room on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 6:00 PM. The workshop will include information on the Cascadia threat and preparedness. When Cascadia hits it will take everyone working together, responding to the immediate and long-term needs of the community; helping to assist friends, family and neighbors. With knowledge of the threat and some basic preparedness steps, our community will be in a better position to respond to this crisis. Everyone in our community is welcome to attend this informative event.