NB Planning Commission, March 21

The North Bend Planning Commission will hold a regular public meeting on March 21, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 835 California St., North Bend, Oregon. Additional information concerning the meeting may be obtained by contacting City Planner Chelsea Schnabel at 541-756-8535. A copy of the application and/or meeting materials will be available for inspection at no cost at least seven days prior to the meeting and copies will be provided at reasonable cost upon request. At the commencement of the meeting the applicable criteria will be stated. All testimony and evidence must be directed toward the applicable criteria. Failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker and the parties an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal on that issue. SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARINGS: Case Number VAC-2-15: proposal by the Coquille Economic Development Corporation (CEDCO) to vacate two alleys contained within Block 30, Coos Bay Plat “B” and also that portion of Commercial Street lying between the east margin of Donnelly Avenue and the west margin of the improved portion of Oregon Coast Highway, U.S. 101, per Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 373.020. Location: the subject property is vacant land identified as Tax Lot 9400, T.25, R.13W, Sec. 22AA. Applicable criteria: North Bend City Code (NBCC) 18.84 Amendment Procedures; Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 271 Use and Disposition of Public Lands Generally; Easements; ORS 197 Conduct of local quasi-judicial land use hearings; notice requirements; hearing procedures; ORS 373.020 Jurisdiction over streets taken over for state highway routing through cities; effect on public utility duties. Case Number SUB-1-16: proposal by the Coquille Economic Development Corporation (CEDCO) for subdivision of property currently used as an RV Resort Park, parking lot, and log Storage site. Address: 2665 Tremont Avenue. Assessor Map No. T.25S, R.13W, Sec.15; Tax Lot 100. Current zoning: General Commercial Zone C-G; Heavy Industrial Zone M-H. Zoning overlays: Floodplain Zone F-P; Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan, Segments 44-UNW and 44-UW. Applicable criteria: NBCC 17.08 Preliminary Plats; ORS 92.040 Application for approval of subdivision or partition; tentative plan; applicability of local government laws; ORS 197.195 Limited land use decision; procedure; ORS 227.178 Final action on certain applications required within 120 days; procedure; exceptions; refund of fees. Case Number VAR-1-16: proposal for a variance from the minimum lot size for lot area and lot width requirements in a Residential Zone R-M. Address: vacant land. Assessor Map No. Map No. 25S 13W 15BC; Tax Lot 7000. Current zoning: Residential Zone R-M. Applicable criteria: NBCC 18.80 Variances; NBCC 18.60 Conditional Uses. Case Number ZTA 2016-1: proposal to amend the zoning text within the North Bend City Code (NBCC) Section 18.92.020 to include language which allows for the City to appoint a planning and zoning hearings officer. Applicable criteria: NBCC 18.84 Amendment Procedures; ORS 227.165 Planning and Zoning Hearings Officers; Duties and Powers.