Sheep and Goat Scrapie Educational Outreach Seminar and Annual Sheep Marketing Meeting, Feb. 10

Monday February 10th at 7 PM.  Dr Brianna Schur, Veterinary Medical Officer from the USDA Area Office, and Robert Dyk, Animal Identification Coordinator for Oregon, will be in Coos County to discuss misconceptions about the scrapie disease, the spread, the cleanup effort by USDA, and what it means for the industry in the future.  There will be a short informational meeting of the Coos County Livestock Association Sheep Marketing Committee.  There will be a discussion on  lamb shipment dates and details on selling wool locally.  Whether you have 5 head or 500 all producers and interested parties are encouraged to attend.  The program will be held at the Oregon State University Extension Service conference room, 631 Alder St, Myrtle Point.