Country Fair Saturation Patrol Results, July 18

The Oregon State Police (OSP) along with Lane County Sheriff’s Office, Springfield Police Department, and Eugene Police Department, were out in force this past weekend in Veneta. With the assistance of Lane County District Attorneys, Law Enforcement Officers were cracking down on impaired drivers and today reported the results of its highly effective DUII saturation during the Oregon Country Fair. A total of fourteen (14) drivers were arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) during the Country Fair’s weekend. Seven of those arrested for DUII were under the influence of Marijuana. The remaining seven arrests were for alcohol. The participating officers focused on extra patrol in Veneta and surrounding towns only. This included Veneta, Elmira, Noti, and Loraine. Arrests were also made for: Possession of Methamphetamine (2 counts); Possession of Cocaine; Arrest warrants (2 counts). During the Event’s saturation times (Friday, July 8th through Sunday, July 10th from 6 pm to 12 am each night), there were two reported crashes on 126W. One collision occurred within the saturation area. The second crash was approximately 10 miles west of the Oregon Country Fair’s location. Both crashes were fair related and the drivers were determined not impaired.