OR 58 Willamette Highway paving, Sept. 1

Crews have been doing the preparation work to repave OR 58 (Willamette Highway) between Dexter and Black Creek Canyon Campground this week and last, and will begin paving on September 6. Paving will be done overnight between 7 p.m. and 11 a.m., seven days a week to complete the project by the end of September. Travelers should expect delays up to 20 minutes in the work zone area. Signs will be in place to warn travelers of possible delays due to road work. Asphalt concrete pavement will replace the chip seal pavement preservation project that was applied last summer as it has not performed as needed and expected. Paving is scheduled to be complete by the end of September, before the end of seasonal weather. Striping, rumble strips and new guard rail will be installed during October and November. No work will be done over Labor Day Weekend, September 1 through September 5. The bid for the project was $2.9 million, and work will be done by Wildish Construction Company. The pavement is designed to last 15 years.