Sidewalks and bike lanes coming on U.S. 101, Sept. 16

Beginning next week, new continuous sidewalks and bike lanes will be constructed in Yachats on U.S. 101, Pacific Coast Highway, between 7th Street and Ocean View Drive. The project will improve parking along U.S. 101 and add parking on city streets, provide streetscape amenities, add crosswalks and flashing crosswalk warning lights, improve signage and drainage, underground utilities and implement an access management strategy. These improvements will make it safer to walk and bike in Yachats. The project will be constructed in the winter/spring months to minimize impacts to area businesses, and will be completed for just over $2 million. $1.54 million was obtained in 2013 through a grant from the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, and the remaining funds come from state and local funds.