United Way Kicks Off 55th Anniversary Fund Raising Campaign, Sept. 16

United Way of Southwestern Oregon will kick off its 55th Annual Fund Raising Campaign Friday, September 16th, at halftime of the North Bend High School Football game. Key south coast United Way partner agencies will be recognized at the game for their service to south coast residents. The local United Way is raising money in Coos and Curry Counties to support services provided by local non-profit programs and has a goal of $200,000 according to United Way officials. The campaign runs from September 1 through November 30th and is led by board members Anna Steel and Pam Cottrell. The campaign’s theme is “55 Years and Going Strong” and celebrates United Way’s continued commitment to help improve the lives of people in our communities. Since 1961, United Way has fought for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our communities. Money raised in Coos and Curry Counties is used to help local people through the charity’s 24 agencies and over 50 services. Among the programs supported are the Women’s Safety & Resource Center, Salvation Army services, T.H.E. House, Senior nutrition and health programs, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts, The Kid’s HOPE Center, Bay Area Enterprises, Alternative Youth Activities and programs for adults with mental and physical handicaps, Friends Inspiring Reading Success Together (F.I.R.S.T) and many more. United Way of Southwestern Oregon is also known locally for their community service projects including the Day of Caring held each spring which helps seniors and persons with disabilities by performing yard and household chores individuals can’t do themselves. The organization also has a Kids’ Coats and Shoes program to help needy local elementary school children. United Way is asking local businesses, employee groups, professionals and individuals to contribute to their effort. The charity has a 10-minute informational presentation detailing their program and would like to talk to local service clubs, businesses, employee groups and others interested in helping or learning more about the non-profit community. Officials note that not only does the money stay here helping local people, it gives you the opportunity to support many worthwhile local causes through one donation.