BLM Spraying Noxious Weeds at North Spit, Oct. 4

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will spray noxious weeds at the North Spit, north of Coos Bay, beginning on Tuesday, October 4, weather permitting. Visitors to these areas should avoid application locations, which will be evident by blue colorant on plants. The BLM will spot apply the herbicide Glyphosate to control Scotch broom, Himalayan blackberry, English ivy, gorse, knotweeds, knapweeds and European beachgrass. These plants are Oregon State Department of Agriculture listed “Noxious Weeds”. These plants compete with vegetation that is more desirable, grow into recreational roadways and trails and reduce healthy wildlife habitat. Treatments may extend beyond October 31 if weather is a limiting factor. Note: herbicide mix will be dyed blue to indicate sprayed vegetation. Visitors should avoid walking into or touching sprayed vegetation for 12 hours after spraying. Posted signs will indicate the date of treatment. For additional information, please contact the Coos Bay District Office at 541-756-0100.