Saving Seeds and Other Neat Gardening Things, Feb. 27

There will be a panel presentation by the Coquille Valley Seed Library on February 27th at 7pm. The CVSL works to promote and engage in the growing, saving, and sharing of seed in the hope of preserving a more diverse, regionally adapted, open-pollinated seed gene pool. In 2012, a group gathered to form a seed library with the idea of lending or shares seed from a central collection. Members of the library grow the seeds to maturity, harvest, and resubmit seeds to the collection in order to continue to ‘grow’ the lending process. The panel will discuss the seed library concept, tips for saving seeds, and other helpful gardening ideas. The program will be held in the Myrtlewood Room. For more information, call the library 541-269-1101. Experienced gardeners, new gardeners, and non-gardeners welcome.