BLM E-Filing for Drilling Permits, Dec. 23

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) took a significant step today in its multi-year effort to improve the efficiency and transparency of the permitting process for oil and gas drilling. With the final revision to Onshore Order 1, the agency is making online filing the default method of filing Applications for Permit to Drill (APDs) and Notices of Staking, moving away from paper applications. Since the BLM began developing the new online permitting system, almost 500 operators representing 70 different companies have provided valuable feedback and taken part in training. To date, about 200 permits have been reviewed and approved in the system, and another 1,300 are currently being processed. “Today’s rule concludes another key element of our oil and gas modernization program by moving BLM away from the hardcopy application process,” said BLM Director Neil Kornze. “This Administration has updated a number of business processes in the oil and gas program that will result in a better and more efficient experience for both industry and the BLM.” The shift toward e-filing is part of an ongoing effort by the BLM to increase efficiency and transparency of the drilling permit review and approval process. This regulatory effort complements the BLM’s recent upgrades to its permit processing system. That new system automates aspects of the process, allows operators to receive real-time feedback on their permits, makes the process more transparent, and enhances the BLM’s ability to manage workflows. This new system, which was rolled out earlier this year is expected to reduce APD processing times by as much as 50 percent. The current average processing time for permits is 220 days; the BLM estimates that with the new rule, 90 percent of permits will be processed within 115 days. In addition, the new system increases transparency by allowing operators to see where their application is in the approval process. By making e-filing the default means of submittal, as opposed to hard copy submittals, the new rule maximizes the opportunities presented by the new permit processing system. Recognizing that e-filing may not always be possible, the rule allows operators to request a waiver from the e-filing requirement in certain circumstances. This new e-filing system is part of the BLM’s upgraded Automated Fluid Mineral’s Support System (AFMSS II). Ultimately that system will track and organize information regarding oil and gas operations on federal lands. When completely built out, AFMSS II will contain all of the relevant documents about a well, from the time the APD is submitted to when the well is shut-in. The prepublication version of the rule is available here: