The Oregon State Marine Board will meet in Salem on January 18, for their quarterly Board meeting being held at the Marine Board office, 435 Commercial St. NE, beginning at 9 am. The Board will consider the following agenda items: * Contract terms for the Duckworth Dock in Downtown Portland; * Consideration of a petition for rulemaking for boat operations in Clatsop County; * Boating Facility Grant –Klamath County, Wocus Bay; * Program reports; * Strategic plan report. The meeting is accessible for persons with disabilities. For a communication aid request or agenda questions, please contact June LeTarte, Executive Assistant, at 503-378-2617 by Tuesday, January 17. The Board will accept public comment during the designated period at the beginning of the meeting on only those agenda items which did not have a pre-noticed comment closing date. To view the agenda and staff report, visit