On the Job Deaths Increased Last Year in Oregon, March 8

Sixty-one people died on the job in Oregon during 2016, according to a preliminary report issued today by the Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS). That’s up from 2015’s figure of 41 deaths. The numbers are based on a new data collection program, begun in 2015, that is designed to provide a more comprehensive review of workplace deaths. Previously released figures included deaths only covered by the Oregon workers’ compensation system. The new Workplace Fatalities in Oregon (WFO) program tracks on-the-job deaths, regardless of workers’ compensation status. As a result, the program now also includes workplace deaths involving self-employed people, city of Portland police and fire employees, federal employees, and incidents occurring in Oregon to workers with out-of-state employers. Whether the numbers go up or down, DCBS is always cautious about drawing conclusions based on single-year comparisons of fatality data, which can be affected by a number of factors and may not represent a trend. The WFO numbers are preliminary and will be finalized later this year.