Revenue Polling Results, March 13

Results of a new poll on Oregonians’ preferences on how to pay for vital government services, including K-12 schools, will be released at noon Monday, March 13, in the Capitol press conference room, suite 43 in the basement of the Capitol building in Salem. In late February 2017, DHM Research surveyed 600 registered Oregon voters on behalf of the Oregon School Boards Association (OSBA). The goal was to assess Oregonians’ values, their state budgeting priorities and support for possible revenue reform strategies. This survey is believed to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date evaluation of Oregonians’ public spending priorities as the state faces a $1.6 billion budget shortfall for 2017-19 and a long-term struggle paying for services such as education, health and public safety. OSBA is a member services organization for more than 200 locally elected boards serving school districts, education service districts and community colleges. It also provides services to charter schools and their boards.