Coos Bay City Council & URA, June 6

Coos Bay City Council
The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, Council Chambers – 500 Central Avenue – Coos Bay, Oregon.  Agenda:  1) Flag Salute; 2) Public Comments; 3)      Consent Calendar; a) Approval of the minutes of May 9 & 16, and 23, 2017; b) Adoption of resolution 17-09 extending workers’ compensation coverage to City Volunteers; c)     Adoption of resolution 17-10 authorizing interfund borrowing and loans; d) Approval of OLCC annual renewals for 7-Eleven Store #2363-17090C, Bassett Hyland Energy, Bi-Mart Store #668, Black Market Gourmet LLC, Blue Heron Bistro, Blue Moon Saloon and Café, Coos Bay Grocery Outlet, Elks Lodge #1160, Englewood Market, EZ Thai Restaurant, Gooney’s Sports Bar, Kum Yon’s Restaurant, Margarita’s Mexican Grill, McKay’s Markets # 1 & 2, O’Bradi, and Puerto Vallarta Restaurant; 4) Report by the Marshfield High School Key Club; 5) Approval of an Annual OLCC License Renewal for Benetti’s Italian Restaurant; 6) Public Hearing on the Use of Revenue Sharing Funds – Approval to Accept the Funds Will Require Adoption of Resolution 17-11; 7) Public Hearing on the Approved Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 – Adoption of Resolution 17-12 will Adopt the Budget and Make Appropriations and Levy Ad Valorem Taxes; 8) Public Hearing to Consider Approval of a Supplemental Budget – Approval will Require Adoption of Resolution 17-13; 9) Consideration of Approval of the City Fee Adjustments – Approval Will Require Adoption of Resolution 17-08; 10) Consideration of Posting No Parking on One Side of 20th Street by Public Works & Community Development Director Jim Hossley; 11) Approval of an Addendum to CH2M for the Operations, Maintenance, and Management for the Wastewater System for Fiscal Year Ending (FYE) 2017; 12) Consideration of Approval of Contracting Rules Revision – Approval will Require Adoption of Resolution 17-14; 13) Approval of a Transportation Growth Management (TGM) Grant Application for Front Street by Public Works & Community Development Director Jim Hossley; 14) Consideration of an Agreement for Providing Public Safety Services to the Confederated Tribes by City Manager Rodger Craddock; 15) City Attorney’s Report; 16) City Manager’s Report; 17) Council Comments; 18) Adjourn.

Coos Bay URA
The City of Coos Bay Urban Renewal Agency (URA) will meet on Tuesday, June 6, 2017.  The meeting will be held immediately following the City Council Meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 500 Central Avenue – Coos Bay Oregon.  Agenda:  1. Public Comments; 2. Consent Calendar; a. Approval of the minutes of May 2, 2017; b.  Acceptance of the April Combined Cash Report; c. Adoption of resolution 17-03 extending worker’s compensation coverage to Urban Renewal volunteers; 3. Public Hearing on the Approved Budget for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 – Adoption of Resolution URA 17-04 will Adopt the Budget for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 and Make Appropriations and Levying Taxes; 4. Adjourn.