The City of Coos Bay Planning Commission will meet on TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2017, 6:00 PM – COOS BAY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 500 CENTRAL AVENUE, COOS BAY.  Agenda:  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Approval of Planning Commission minutes of May 11, 2017 and June 13, 2017. 2. CCI/PUBLIC COMMENTS: 3. PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM A:  Architectural Design Review – Façade Improvements #187-ZON17-050 737 North Front Street (T.25, R.13, S.26CA, Tax Lot 2500). The applicant has submitted façade improvement information for the above described structure. The property is located in the Waterfront Heritage Zoning District; therefore, approval of an “Architectural Design Review” is required. ITEM B: Subdivision – Marple Street #187-ZON17-045 – The applicant is requesting approval for the Marple Street Subdivision that would allow four lots on a 1.72-acre parcel and a Variance to allow average lot sizes of approximately 18,733 square feet in the LDR-6 zoning district where the maximum average lot size is 7,500 square feet. ITEM C: Legislative Text Amendment to the Development Code #187-ZON17-051 – The purpose being to amend the definition of “Substantial Improvement’ so that it is consistent with the current floodplain management standards put forward by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 4. ADMINISTRATIVE: 5. COMMISSION COMMENTS: 6. STAFF COMMENTS: 7. ADJOURNMENT.

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