The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is asking for feedback on an important study evaluating a 17-mile section of the Nehalem River for possible inclusion in the State Scenic Waterways Program. The feedback will be used to write a report that will either recommend for or against designating a portion of the river as a state scenic waterway. A public meeting and hearing will be held 5:30 — 7 p.m. Sept. 12 at the North County Recreation District, 36155 9th Street in Nehalem. The Nehalem River study area starts at Henry Rierson Spruce Run Campground and ends at the boundary of Cougar Valley State Park, near Cook Creek Road. A scenic waterway designation would help protect the scenic, natural and recreation value of this section of river by subjecting some activities within ?1/4 mile of the bank to a review. No decisions have been made yet about whether or not to recommend this part of the river as a scenic waterway. As part of the designation process, scenic waterways staff involve the local community, evaluate public support, and objectively study the river to determine if it meets specific criteria. The meeting will begin with a presentation to explain the scenic waterways program and the criteria the river segment must meet to be included in the program, followed by a question and answer session. The second half of the meeting will be a public hearing, when attendees can comment orally or in writing. Comments can also be sent to or to OPRD Scenic Waterway Study, 725 Summer St NE Suite C, Salem, OR 97301. The comment period closes Oct. 13, 2017. Comments will help scenic waterways staff to develop a report that explains whether this waterway would make a good addition to the system. Findings will be included in a report that will go to the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission, Water Resources Commission and eventually to the Governor’s Office. More information on the program is at A map of the specific study area can be found at