Coos Bay Public Library received a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant in July of 2017. The grant is awarded through the Oregon State Library and is administered at the federal level by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. One of the goals of the LSTA grant as a whole is to use technology to increase capacity to provide library services and expand access. The local project at CBPL will specifically seek to increase connectivity and engagement of local teens. The grant funds will provide computers, filming equipment, video editing software and contracted services for training teens to use this equipment. Over the course of one year, the library’s Teen Advisory Group (TAG) will be trained to create and upload video content via the library’s YouTube channel. If you are in grades 7-12 and enjoy filmmaking or vlogging, or know someone who does, more information can be found on the teen page at The Coos Bay Public Library and CBPL’s Teen Advisory Group are extremely grateful to be recipients of the LSTA grant, and trust that this project will have a significant impact on local teens and their technological skills and community connectivity.