Fertilize Your Mind garden seminar set for Saturday, March 30

Registration forms are now available for the 17th annual “Fertilize Your Mind” garden seminar set for Saturday, March 31, on the campus of Southwestern Oregon Community College, in Coos Bay. This year’s keynote speaker will be Andony Melathopoulos, OSU Department of Horticulture faculty member. Andony’s presentation, “Bees and Backyard Pollination,” will share his knowledge and tips for encouraging bees and other pollinators. Following the keynote presentation will be three class sessions, each with a selection of four informative classes to choose from, presented by experienced and practical speakers. Some of the topics include “Succulents 101,” “Herb Gardening,” “Ergonomics and Hand Tools,” “Organic Pesticides,” “Tree ID,” “Nature Journaling,” and Succession Planting/Companion Planting/Interplanting” as well as five more to choose from.  Local nurseries, landscape companies and other businesses will display goods and services in the lobby for perusal throughout the day, while the Master Gardeners will staff a Plant Clinic table to answer gardening questions during breaks and the lunch period. A selection of free gardening/seed catalogs will also be available. The registration fee of $30 includes the keynote address, three lecture sessions, and coffee, tea and cookies; lunch is on your own. To register, contact the Coos County Extension Office at 541-572-5263, stop by the OSU Extension office at 631 Alder St. in Myrtle Point, or get the registration form online at http://extension.oregonstate.edu/coos/master-gardener-fertilize-your-mind. You may also register the morning of the event, beginning at 8:00 a.m., but class selections may be limited. This seminar is sponsored by the Coos County Oregon State University Extension Service and the Coos County Master Gardener AssociationTM. Direct any questions to Master Gardener Coordinator Samantha Clayburn at 541-572-5263, ext. 25299 or Samantha.clayburn@oregonstate.edu