CB Planning Commission, Aug. 28

The City of Coos Bay Planning Commission will meet on TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2018, 6:00 PM – COOS BAY CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 500 CENTRAL AVENUE, COOS BAY.  Agenda:  1. CCI/PUBLIC COMMENTS: 2. PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM A: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE #187-ZON18-0029 (Continued). The amendments include revisions to procedures, definitions, property development standards and use tables in the LDR-6, LDR-8.5 (including the adding the use “Accessory Dwelling Unit”), Medium Density Residential, Medical Park, Mixed, Waterfront Heritage, Commercial and Industrial zones. Amendments are also proposed to the Replat/Property Line Adjustment, Home Occupation, Signs, Off-Street Parking, Flood Damage Prevention, Supplementary Development Standards, Manufactured Home Special Siting Standards. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE: 4. COMMISSION COMMENTS: 5. STAFF COMMENTS: 6. ADJOURNMENT: