City of CB release – The City of Coos Bay staff learned early yesterday evening, Jan. 23, through social media of citizens reporting a white plume on the pond in Mingus Park. When staff investigated, it appeared that the plume had settled to the bottom of the pond in about a 10-foot square area. The winds were calm at the time, so the plume did not appear to spread very far. The city wastewater contractor, Jacobs, and city staff used the city vacuum truck to remove most of the substance from the bottom of the pond. We have learned that the plume was a water-based paint. Yesterday temporary workers were painting the inside walls of the lower floor of the Mingus Park pool building/maintenance shop. The workers rinsed their paint equipment in a sink that was plumbed into a storm drain that discharges to Mingus Park pond. Until yesterday, present city staff was unsure that the sink discharged to the pond. To prevent the possibility of this happening again, city staff removed the sink this morning and is plugging floor drains inside building that may also discharge to the pond. Mingus Park is a manmade pond that is fed by small streams that flow into it from the northwest. The pond discharges into a buried storm system that eventually discharges to the bay near the vicinity of the city docks. Any questions can be directed to Randy Dixon at 541-260-4580.