Forest Management Plan Revision, Feb. 15

ODFW release – The Oregon Department of Forestry will host an informational meeting concerning the ongoing Northwest State Forest Management Plan revision and the Habitat Conservation Plan business case analysis at 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15, in Salem. The meeting will be held in the Tillamook Room at ODF’s Salem headquarters, Building C, 2600 State St. It is intended to inform the public about the status of the Forest Management Plan revision and Habitat Conservation Plan projects, and to get feedback on these topics prior to the March 6 Board of Forestry meeting. State Forest Management Plans establish the goals and direction to manage state forests, which are sustainably managed to provide environmental, social and economic benefits to all Oregonians. By law, the majority of revenue generated from state forests is distributed to counties and schools to support public services. The State Forests Division will present proposed goals, strategies and measurable outcomes as well as a recommendation on the geographic scope of the Forest Management Plan revision. Habitat Conservation Plans can serve as a more holistic and cost-effective way to manage threatened and endangered species under the federal Endangered Species Act. The State Forests Division has completed Phase I: HCP initiation and Scoping. This includes a business case analysis to determine the cost and revenue impacts of adopting an HCP as an alternative to the Division’s current approach to complying with the Endangered Species Act. Meeting information is posted at  This meeting is open to the public. Questions about accessibility or special accommodations can be directed to the ODF Receptionist at 503-945-7200.