Coos Co. Airport District, Feb. 21

This is to notify you that the Board of Commissioners of the Coos County Airport District will hold its Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, February 21, 2019, at 7:30 a.m. This meeting will be held in the District’s Board Room on the mezzanine level of the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport Terminal Building, 1100 Airport Lane, North Bend.

Coos Co. Airport District
The Coos Co. Airport District Board of Commissioners will meet on Thursday, February 21, 2019, 7:30 a.m., Coos County Airport District Board Room, Terminal Building, North Bend.  Agenda:  CALL TO ORDER; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE; INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS; I. REVIEW OF MINUTES: January 17, 2019 Regular Board Meeting; II. REVIEW OF INVOICES: III. FINANCE REPORT: A. Graphs; B. Cash Flow; IV. STAFF REPORTS/DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Maintenance/Operations Report; B. Executive Director’s Report; V. ACTION ITEMS REQUESTS: A. Approval of 2019/2020FY Budget Calendar; B. Approval of Budget Officer Appointment; C. Approve Resolution 2019-02-01: Intra-Fund Transfer; D. Approve General Liability Insurance from SDIS; E. Approve Architectural Services Standard Agreement – Limited Scope; VI. CHAIRMAN & COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: A. Coos County Airport District Board Elections (2/9/19 – 3/21/19); B. Next Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, March 21, 2019; PUBLIC COMMENTS; ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION (ORS 192.660): The Coos County Airport District will hold an executive session to consult with legal counsel concerning legal rights and duties regarding current litigation or litigation likely to be filed and to consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection. The executive session is being held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(f) and ORS 192.660(2)(h).