Surfrider Beach Champions Versus King Tides, Feb. 22

Newport Surfrider is in need of volunteers to clean up the beach at Otter Rock.There’s more plastic and other trash on the beach right now than we’ve ever seen before, due to the King Tides. Scott Rosin, local surfrider chair, has developed a system to collect microplastic and wash the sand out. This is very effective and very labor intensive. So, the call is out to any and all who love clean beaches. Meet at the Otter Rock Parking Lot Sunday, February 24 at 10am. Park near the bathrooms. Scott, will distribute supplies and do an introduction by the table there. Then everyone will walk down to the beach together. Don’t forget rubber boots and appropriate attire. This will be the 6th consecutive Sunday for this effort. We’re starting to win. Cleanup will happen every Sunday for the foreseeable future until the northwest winds bury the microplastic in late spring. Times vary according to the tides. For the complete calendar go to: Each cleanup lasts about four hours or until everyone goes home. Scott Rosin, chair of the Newport Chapter, stays until the last person goes home.