Affordable Housing in Oregon, April 9

SALEM, OR –  Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is excited to announce the award of $34,905,000 to fund 466 new affordable homes through the Local Innovation and Fast Track (LIFT) housing program,  “These awards will ensure more kids and families throughout the state have a decent, stable, affordable place to call home,” said Governor Kate Brown. “The LIFT program is a critical tool in our work to ensure that every Oregonian, in communities large and small, has access to housing choices that allow them and their families to thrive. I’ve called on legislative leaders to take the next step and increase investment in the LIFT program to create opportunities for more Oregon families.”  Governor Brown’s Budget includes $130 million to expand the LIFT program, which builds affordable homes for families, focused on communities of color and rural communities. To date, LIFT has funded the development of over 2,056 new affordable rental homes and 147 homes for purchase throughout Oregon,  “We are thrilled to celebrate these awards which will bring new, affordable homes to 466 families struggling to find stable housing,” said OHCS Director Margaret Salazar. “This is a big step in addressing Oregon’s housing crisis and we are grateful for Governor Brown’s leadership to continue and expand on the success of LIFT.”  The full list of LIFT awards is available online at: