Search Suspended for Missing Bandon Man, June 3

News release from the Coos Co. Sheriff’s Office. On 06/01/2014 the Coos County Sheriff’s Office formally suspended search operations for a 78 year old Bandon man missing since Thursday afternoon, 05/29/2014.  Ted Rogers, 78 years of age of Bandon was last seen at his home by his wife at about 3:30 pm Thursday afternoon when she left to go into town.  After returning to the home in the evening, she noticed he was gone and called the Sheriff’s Office.  Sheriff’s Deputies and Bandon Police searched the roads that night and on Friday morning the Sheriff’s Office began ground search operations with Coos County SAR.  During the search operation Coos County SAR was assisted by other SAR groups from Douglas County and Curry Counties.  The US Coast Guard also flew the area.
At this time searchers have been unable to locate Mr. Rogers.