Coos Bay City Council, April 16

The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 – 7:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers 500 Central Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon.  All citizens addressing the City Council under regular agenda items or public comments are required by City Council Rule 2.9.4 to sign-in on the forms provided on the agenda table. If you require a listening enhancement device, please contact the City Recorder. Please silence electronic devices – Thank you. Agenda:  1. Flag Salute; 2. Public Comments; 3. Consent Calendar; a. Acceptance of the March 2019 Check Registers; b. Acceptance of March 2019 Financial Reports; 4. Report by Marshfield High School Key Club Members; 5. Approval of the Arbor Day Proclamation and Presentation by Jon Laine of the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF); 6. A Public Hearing Will be Held to Consider Approval on a Proposed Ordinance Revising Drive-Through and Drive-In Facilities – Approval Would Require Enactment of the Draft Ordinance; 7. A Public Hearing Will be Held to Consider Approval on a Proposed Ordinance Amending the Flood Damage Prevention Regulations – Approval Would Require Enactment of the Draft Ordinance; 8. Approval of the City Council Goals for the Fiscal Year Ending (FYE) 2019-2021; 9. City Manager’s Report; 10. Council Comments; 11. Adjourn.