Keeping Historic Cemeteries Alive!, April 24

Join the Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries at 4 Daughters, 126 West Main Street, Medford, for Keeping Historic Cemeteries Alive! The free event will be April 24 at 7:00 p.m. The presentation explores events in historic cemeteries to connect people with their local history. Cemeteries have a purpose for mourning and memorialization. They also hold the continuous history of the community, the cultural trends over decades and preserved natural space. The presentation will include a historic portrayal, descriptions of music and other events found in cemeteries in Oregon and beyond. Presenters include commissioners Mike Leamy from Astoria, Mark Petrie with Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians from North Bend, and Milo Reed, on the board of Oregon Black Pioneers from Portland. Joining the commissioners will be Dirk Siedlecki with the Friends of Jacksonville Pioneer Cemetery. OCHC maintains a list of all historic cemeteries in the state. A cemetery must include the burial of at least one person who died before Feb. 14, 1909 to qualify as historic. The seven-member appointed commission helps people and organizations document, preserve and promote designated historic cemeteries statewide. For more information about the grant program or the OCHC, visit or contact Kuri Gill at or 503-986-0685.