South Coast Striders, May 10

Coos Bay History Hike May 11, 2019 (Saturday, 10:00). Take a walk into Coos Bay’s past with retired history teacher and Coos History Museum Board member, Steve Greif. Steve will lead you through downtown and along Front Street sharing the history of the buildings and sights you see along the way.  The walk will follow a leisurely pace and the route is quite level (no hill climbs!).  After the walk you will start looking at the buildings in town and along Front Street from a whole new perspective. For those preferring a longer walk, a group will break off as we near Mingus Park and will add about 3 miles to the trip walking through the park and through neighborhoods. This hike does have some hill climbs, but will be run at an comfortable pace. Participants are encouraged to visit the Coos History Museum and the nearby Marshfield Sun Printing Museum after the walk.