ODOT release – On Friday, August 30, southbound U.S. 101 traffic experienced long backups in Reedsport. We would like to explain what happened and what this will mean for Labor Day traffic. Over the past several months, ODOT has been working to convert the half-mile section of U.S. 101 in Reedsport between Schofield Creek and 22nd Street (near the high school) from four lanes to three. We believe this new pattern will improve safety and the flow of traffic when completed. This past week, our work crews applied the three-lane striping pattern to this area. But there is one important task that remains unfinished. At each traffic signal, there are sensors embedded in the pavement that cause the signals to change. Unfortunately, we have not yet relocated these sensors to the center of the new travel lanes. On Friday, we saw an increase in southbound traffic as motorists traveled to their holiday weekend destinations. Vehicles entering the Reedsport project area on U.S. 101 were stopping at red lights but were not tripping the sensors. This resulted in traffic backing up. We will not be able to move the sensors before Labor Day, but we have identified another possible solution. Throughout Monday, ODOT will position flaggers in Reedsport. If traffic backs up in the project area, we will turn the signals off and allow the flaggers to provide traffic control until the congestion clears. Traffic through Reedsport is expected to be heavy on Monday, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Motorists should expect congestion and delays at these times. For more information, text or call ODOT Project Information Officer Dan Latham at 541-817-5200 or Dan.Latham@odot.state.or.us.

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