At 10 am on Wednesday, October 16th, South Coast Together will present a training session on working through Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) at the North Bend Public Library. A groundbreaking study in 1998 by the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente found that most people in the U.S. have at least one ACE, and that people with four ACEs— including living with an alcoholic parent, racism, bullying, witnessing violence outside the home, physical abuse, and losing a parent to divorce — have a huge risk of adult onset of chronic health problems such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, suicide, and alcoholism. The two-hour session is grounded in the research on the prevalence and consequences of adverse childhood experiences, and what to do to prevent them. South Coast Together is a community collaborative focused on fostering resilience in Coos and Curry counties. For more information about this and other library programs, please contact the North Bend Public Library at 541-756-0400 or see our website at