Canoe Overturned, July 2

U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel rescued two men after their canoe overturned in Portage Channel near Lummi Island, Washington, Saturday morning.  A CBP aircrew in the area responded to a Coast Guard urgent marine information broadcast, located the two men and was able to direct a Coast Guard boatcrew from Station Bellingham to their location.  “The close working relationship between the Coast Guard and U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the outstanding actions of the boatcrew resulted in two lives saved,” said Capt. Robert Pearce, chief of incident management for the Coast Guard 13th District. “This case also demonstrates the importance of paddlesport enthusiasts having the right equipment, especially life jackets, which should be worn at all times.”  A good Samaritan on shore contacted the Coast Guard at 10:50 a.m., saying that he saw the two men in the water. Neither man, one 16-years-old and one 22-years-old, was wearing a lifejacket. The boatcrew safely transported the two men to Station Bellingham, where they were met by EMS and treated for signs of mild hypothermia.  Paddle sports continue to be one of the fastest growing segments of recreational boating activities, and can present unique dangers to mariners, including exposure to the elements. Paddle enthusiasts are encouraged to always wear a buoyant life jacket, and dress appropriately for the water temperature, not the air temperature.