Bathroom Wall Threat at JCHS, Jan. 27

On Thursday January 23rd, 2020 at approximately 3:13 PM the administrative staff of the Junction City High School reported that an unknown individual had written a message on a bathroom wall indicating the author was going to “shoot-up” the school tomorrow, presumably Friday, January 24th, 2020. Junction City Police Officers immediately responded and began an investigation in conjunction with Junction City High School administrative staff. The newly installed state-of-the-art closed circuit television system is proving to play a vital role in the investigation of this incident. The Junction City Police Department has a strong and positive working relationship with the Junction City School District and at their request we will ensure there is highly-visible police presence on the high school campus tomorrow to ensure all staff, students, and visitors are safe and protected. Anyone having any information on this incident is urged to immediately contact the Junction City Police Department at 541-998-1245. This is an on-going criminal investigation. Additional information will be provided as soon as it becomes available. The following is the exact message that was sent by Junction City High School administration to all staff and parents of the high school earlier this afternoon.