Please Do Not “Panic Buy” or Excessively Purchase and Hoard Items, April 2

CHW release – Coos Health & Wellness urges those living in Coos County not to “panic buy” or excessively purchase and hoard items while shopping. It’s OK to stockpile some supplies. A two-week supply of food, cleaning supplies, medicine and other goods is recommended.When individuals purchase more than they need for their household it empties the shelves, not leaving enough for others. This creates excessive work and stress on our truck-drivers and store employees to re-stock sold out items. Also, this requires some of our most vulnerable individuals (i.e. elderly, those immune compromised, or disabled) to search multiple stores for basic necessities putting them at greater risk of contracting COVID-19. If we can all please consider prioritizing our most immediate needs, it will allow us to best serve the needs of our entire community. It’s not only good for your health, but crucial to ensuring that others around you stay healthy as well.