Coos Co. Airport Commission, April 13

This is to notify you that the Board of Commissioners of the Coos County Airport District will hold its Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, April 16, 2020, at 7:30 a.m. This meeting will be held in the District’s Board Room on the mezzanine level of the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport Terminal Building, 1100 Airport Lane, North Bend.
Commissioners may appear in person or via conference call-in. Member of the public may attend; however, attendance may be limited to accommodate the required social distancing. There will be no Executive Session on Thursday, April 16, 2020, due to COVID-19 safeguards.

Coos Co. Airport Commission
The Board of Commissioners for the Coos Co. Airport District will meet on Thursday, April 16, 2020, 7:30 a.m., Coos County Airport District Board Room, Terminal Building, North Bend, OR. Agenda: CALL TO ORDER; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE; INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS; I. REVIEW OF MINUTES: March 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting; II. REVIEW OF INVOICES: III. FINANCE REPORT: A. Graphs; B. Cash Flow; IV. STAFF REPORTS/DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Maintenance/Operations Report; B. Executive Director’s Report
V. ACTION ITEMS REQUESTS: ; A. Approve Emergency Repair of Taxiway Storm Drain Line; VI. CHAIRMAN & COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Next Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, May 21, 2020; PUBLIC COMMENTS; ADJOURN.