Safely Enjoy Warm Weather during COVID-19, April 15

In the days ahead, we are going to experience sunshine and warm weather in most of Oregon. Understandably, many of us will want to go outside and feel the warmth of the sun. Going outside is good for you. Today, we want to provide you guidance on how to stay safe, save lives and still enjoy this nice weather. Your efforts in physical distancing and following the recommendation to “Stay Home. Save Lives.” are working to flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19. We must continue life-saving physical distancing even in nice weather. Although the weather is nice we still need you to stay home and limit travel to essential trips. Here are some ideas on how you enjoy the sun and still flatten the curve: • If you’re able to maintain physical distancing, enjoy the outdoor areas of your residence. • Have an outdoor picnic at your residence with the people you live with. • Have a virtual picnic with friends. • Get things done at home such as gardening or washing your car. • Open doors and windows to get fresh air while remaining inside. We need to keep our momentum going in flattening the curve. It’s still important to continue physical distancing and remain six feet away from others. When enjoying this beautiful weather, please don’t: • Participate in group sports; • Hike on crowded trails; • Attend social gatherings; • Travel; • And, please don’t go out if you’re sick. We must not stop doing our part. Oregon has been doing great but we can’t let up now. The steps we’re taking are saving lives and we need to keep this momentum going! • The guidance to exercising outdoors has not changed. It is allowed if physical distancing is possible: o Enjoy solo physical activities or those with members of your immediate household such as walking, biking, running or rolling. o Wave to your neighbors from a distance. Let them know you’re happy to see them. Staying close to home on a beautiful Oregon day is difficult. We appreciate everyone’s commitment to staying home and saving lives. As we continue through this uncertain time, we ask that we continue to be kind to one another, give each other grace and show gratitude.
For questions regarding COVID-19 and the most up to date guidance, please email or visit Coos Health & Wellness’ COVID-19 page.