CBPD & CQPD logs, April 21

According to an entry on the CBPD log for April 19, 5:12 a.m., SW Blvd. & Old Wireless Rd., “result of injury accident,” 44-year old Amber Dawn Allison charged with DUII, “cited in lieu of custody and released.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for April 19, 10:39 p.m., 1100 block So. 1st St., “traffic stop on bicycle,” 45-year old James Earl Wilson arrested on NBPD warrant charging Probation Violation on original charge of Unlawful Possession of Meth, “cited in lieu of custody.”

According to an entry on the CQPD log for April 19, 2:26 a.m., 1200 block W. 11th St., “out with vehicle,” 32-year old Nathaniel Walter Lakey cited on CCSO warrant charging DUII.