Spring time debris burning is a normal way of cleaning up property in rural Oregon, but it also means an increase in wildfire responses for first responders. CFPA has always encouraged homeowners to get their debris burning done in the spring before summer conditions set in. Safe debris burning is the key, and there are a few things to keep in mind to burn safely, such as: Only burn woody materials (tires, plastics, garbage, and other similar materials are not legal to burn in Oregon). Have a safe clearing around and above your pile. Keep your burn pile to a manageable size. Have adequate resources to control your burn (the larger the pile the more resources needed to do it safely. A 3-foot by 3-foot pile may only require the presence of a charged garden hose, but a large 30-foot by 30-foot machine built pile may require a water truck and excavator to burn safely). Not burning on hot or windy days. Be in attendance of your debris burn until it is out. While it is legal to debris burn in Oregon, it is also your responsibility to do so safely. When burning take into consideration wind direction and avoid impacting others with your smoke. For more information on fire prevention or fire danger levels contact CFPA at 541-267-3161, visit us on the web at www.coosfpa.net or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.