Health Webinar from NBPL, June 2

On Tuesday, June 2, North Bend Public Library will host the June edition of our Brown Bag Health webinars, “The Fire Within.” Stephanie Polizzi of the Oregon State University Extension Service will show how we can fight chronic inflammation and disease with simple food choices. Conditions associated with chronic inflammation include asthma, Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. The webinar will be a Zoom presentation. The link,, will be available at the library’s website and Facebook page, and is expected to last 1 hour. Participants may ask questions and receive real-time answers. After the initial presentation, the recording will be available at the library website. The rest of the series will premiere live at noon on the first Tuesday of the month. Future programs scheduled are: Plant Power (July 7); How eating plant foods can prevent or reverse most of today’s chronic diseases. Intermittent Fasting (August 4); Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Different types of fasting & potential health benefits. Sitting is the New Smoking (September 1); How long periods of sitting contribute to chronic diseases. Magic Beans (October 6); Using these inexpensive gems to lower cholesterol and prevent diabetes.