BLM Plans to Reduce Wildfires, July 3

BLM release – Portland, Ore. – Bureau of Land Management (BLM) officials have updated the 2020 prohibitions regarding the use of fire-causing materials on BLM lands to include the prohibition of using metal targets throughout Oregon and Washington. This is in addition to the original prohibition of using fireworks, exploding targets, and tracer or incendiary devices. The prohibition is effective May 10, 2020, until October 31, 2020. “We need everyone to take an active role in preventing human-caused wildfires this year since the Pacific Northwest is predicted to have an extremely dry summer. To prevent these fires, we all have to follow these prohibitions,” said Barry Bushue, State Director, BLM Oregon/Washington. BLM Officials recommend the following fire safety precautions for recreational target shooting: Avoid target shooting on days with hot, dry, and/or windy conditions. Ensure target areas are clear of dry grass, vegetation, and rocks for at least 20 feet around the target. Have a proper backstop. Bring water, a fire extinguisher, and a shovel. Do not use prohibited items: metal targets, tracer or incendiary devices, and exploding targets. For updated information on public use restrictions on BLM OR/WA public lands, please visit the BLM OR/WA fire restrictions page. People violating these prohibitions can be fined up to $1,000 and/or receive a prison term of up to one year. In addition, people responsible for starting wildland fires on Federal lands can be billed for the cost of putting out the fire. An incendiary device is defined as any firebomb or device designed or specially adapted to cause physical harm to persons or property by means of fire, consisting of an incendiary substance or agent and a means to ignite it. Examples include, but are not limited to, flamethrowers, Molotov cocktails, or accelerants.