Sparky Award Deadline Extended, July 22

The Office of State Fire Marshal has reopened its process to accept nominees for the 2020 Golden and Silver Sparky awards. The Golden Sparky award recognizes a member of the fire service for outstanding achievement in fire prevention or public fire safety education. The Silver Sparky award recognizes a civilian for outstanding achievement in fire prevention or public fire safety education. Awards are normally announced and presented in May at the Oregon Fire Marshals Association Conference. Because of disruptions created by COVID-19, which canceled meeting events and impacted agencies and organizations statewide, the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) has extended the submission deadline to the end of August. “The Sparky awards call attention to the critical role of public education in fire safety, which remains as important as ever during our collective COVID-19 response,” said Oregon State Fire Marshal Jim Walker. “Each year, the Sparky award nomination and selection process helps inform the public of the importance of fire prevention and education. It also allows Oregonians, communities, and the fire services to acknowledge the leadership of their colleagues who are making a difference. We encourage all Oregonians to call out excellence among those helping others through fire prevention.”  Nomination forms are available online on the OSFM website at or by calling Sally Cravinho at 503-934-8205 or emailing You do not have to be a member of the fire service to nominate any person or agency. Nominations may also be submitted by members of the public.  The nomination deadline is Aug. 31. Submit completed forms with an explanation and examples of your nominee’s achievements and contributions to preventing fires and fire losses in Oregon. Nominations can be submitted by email or standard mail to or Sally Cravinho, 3565 Trelstad Ave. SE, Salem, OR, 97317-9614. Awards will be announced in September.