CHW release – COVID-19 can be spread by people who do not have symptoms and do not know that they are infected. That’s why it’s important for everyone to wear masks in public settings and practice social distancing. Cloth face masks should be washed after each use. It is important to always remove masks correctly and wash your hands after handling or touching a used mask. HOW TO CLEAN YOUR MASK: You can include your mask with your regular laundry. Use regular laundry detergent and the warmest appropriate water setting for the cloth used to make the mask. If you are washing by hand you can prepare a bleach solution by mixing: • 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) household bleach per gallon of warm water; • Soak the mask in the bleach solution for 5 minutes. • Rinse thoroughly with cool or room temperature water. To dry your mask you can use the highest heat setting and leave in the dryer until completely dry. You can also air dry by lay the mask flat and allowing it to completely dry. If possible, place the mask in direct sunlight. Disposable paper face masks should not be reused. Please throw them away after using. Please remember that it is up to us, as a community, to be the best public health stewards we can be. If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please visit our website for the most recent guidance, or email us at and we will work to respond to your question in a timely manner.