CHW Coos Co. COVID-19 Report, Aug. 27

Date/time: 8/25/2020, 1830 – Number of cases in update: 13 (9 confirmed, 4 presumptive); Currently 0 hospitalization; Case-specific: Adult over 60, Female, Presumptive, tied to known case, minimal exposure to others, not hospitalized, no underlying conditions. Adult 40-60, male, Confirmed, tied to known case, High exposure to others, not hospitalized, high risk underlying conditions. Adult 40-60, male, confirmed, tied to known outbreak, High exposure to others, not hospitalized, no underlying conditions. Adult under 40, female, confirmed, unknown exposure. Minimal exposure to others, not hospitalized, high risk underlying conditions. Adult 40-60, female, confirmed, high exposure to others, possibly related to out of town travel, not hospitalized, high risk underlying conditions. Adult under 40, female, confirmed, tied to known outbreak, high exposure to others, not hospitalized, no underlying conditions. Adult 40-60, female, presumptive, tied to know outbreak, high exposure to others, not hospitalized, no underlying conditions. Adult 40-60, female, confirmed, multiple out of state exposures, none local, connected to out of state travel. Not hospitalized, no underlying conditions. Adult 40-60, Male, presumptive, tied to known outbreak. High exposure to others, not hospitalized, no underlying conditions. Adult under 40, Female, Presumptive, tied to known outbreak. Moderate exposure to others, not hospitalized, increased risk underlying conditions. Adult under 40, Female, Confirmed, tied to known outbreak. Moderate exposure to others, not hospitalized, no underlying conditions. Adult 40-60, female, confirmed, tied to known outbreak. Moderate exposure to others, not hospitalized, high risk underlying conditions. Adult 20-30, male, confirmed, tied to known outbreak. Minimal exposure to others, not hospitalized, no underlying conditions.