NB School District Food Services Pick Up Options for Meals, Sept. 2

The North Bend Food Services Department is proud to be able to do the work we love – feeding the future – and we thank everyone for their patience during this stressful time. We, and our partners in the Transportation Department love seeing the students we serve. We are happy to provide a bit of normalcy and connection with trusted adults that is so important for our youth. State and federal laws govern child nutrition in schools. They have demonstrated extraordinary flexibility. The one hard and fast requirement of the program has been that we had to hand meals directly to children; but, that has changed. SCHOOLS HAVE RECEIVED A WAIVER THAT ALLOWS US TO ADD NEW PICK UP OPTIONS DURING COMPREHENSIVE DISTANCE LEARNING. • We can allow families to register to pick up meals for enrolled students without children being present. • We can offer multiple meals at one pick up with, or without, enrolled children present. • You may bring enrolled children to pick up meals each day Monday through Friday at the North Bend Middle School or a designated bus stop. If you could fill out the attached form to let us know how we can further support your child in getting a meal, we would be most grateful. There is no requirement but to be ages 1-18 and to show up at one of the pick up locations. It would mean the world to our Food Services staff to be able to help even more children to receive a warm meal. Thank you very much for your support!