Contact tracing role in keeping our county open, Sept. 4

One of the most effective tools we have to help keep Coos County open is contact tracing. In general, contact tracing involves identifying people who have COVID-19 (cases) and people who they came in contact with (contacts). Then we work with them to understand how the virus COVID-19 spread so that we can stop it. For example, if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 you will receive a call from a member of our contract tracing team at Coos Health & Wellness. Each team member is trained to help you recall the places you have been and people you may have had close contact with. A close contact is any individual who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting 2 days before and 10 days after the person began feeling sick. It is important to note that you may be contagious prior to developing symptoms. Our team members will then be notifying anyone you have had close contact with and inform them that they have been exposed to COVID-19. Who you are and your information will remain confidential. They will also be informed of symptoms to watch out for and asked to isolate. Also our contact tracers will give both you and your contacts tips on how to prevent further spread of the virus, how to care for yourselves and others when sick, and given information on available community resources that one may need while isolating. Quickly identifying, isolating, and monitoring new cases and case contacts is very important to interrupt the spread of the virus and prevent others from getting sick. It is up to us, as a community, to be the best public health stewards we can be and assist contact tracers if we receive a call. If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please visit our website HERE for the most recent guidance, or email us at