Another Sanitary Sewer Overflow Caused by Wipes, Sept. 7

City of Coos Bay release – Thursday evening, Sept. 3, the City’s Wastewater Contractor was alerted of sewer coming out of a manhole in north Empire, north of Tideview Terrace and west of Seagate Street. The City’s wastewater contract operator mobilized immediately and confirmed the report. They cleaned the public line and found a large volume of disposable wipes blocking the line and causing the backup. It was estimated that 875 gallons spilled. The Department of Environmental Quality and the Oregon Emergency Response System was notified. The spill was contained and did not reach Chickses Creek or the Bay. This same issue, in the same sewer system, occurred just last week. Both overflows were caused by an extremely large volume of “disposable” wipes entering the sewer system. Packaging for these disposable wipes is misleading; even if the packaging states that they are flushable they are not. Wipes clog pipes! The issue is causing serious environmental and water quality concerns. Thus, the City is conducting an intensive investigation of the entire system and hopes to determine the source very shortly. If you have any information that could aid the City’s investigation, please contact the City Engineer, Jennifer Wirsing at 541-269-1181 extension 2247.