The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) is currently processing replacement benefit requests for individuals who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and who suffered loss of food due to the wildfires. SNAP recipients who lost or disposed of food that was unsafe to eat, can request SNAP replacement benefits. Current SNAP recipients should contact their local ODHS office as soon as possible to find out if they are eligible. Replacement benefits are available to existing SNAP recipients who: Lost food due to a power outage; Lost food due to home damage; Request replacement benefits within 10 calendar days of experiencing food loss. Replacement benefits are not automatic. The amount of replacement benefits each SNAP recipient will receive is based on their monthly issuance. Learn more at SNAP customers can contact their local ODHS SSP, APD or AAA office for more information. Find a local office at: For other ways to connect with DHS, contact 211info: By calling 2-1-1 from any phone; Text your zip code to 898211; By email at;