LWVCC Schedules Candidate Debates Oct.14-15 and Invites questions from the public, Oct. 14

The League of Women Voters of Coos County (LWVCC) has scheduled three debates between candidates running for public office: Oregon Senate District #5; Oregon House District #9, and Mayor of North Bend. These debates will be held without an audience, due to the current restrictions on public gatherings, and will be recorded and provided for public viewing. Scheduled for October 15 are debates between candidates for Oregon Senate District # 5, Dick Anderson and Melissa Cribbins, and also candidates for Oregon Representative District # 9, Cal Mukumoto and Boomer Wright. On October 14, the debate will be held between candidates for North Bend Mayor, Jessica Engelke and James Rose. The League is inviting the public to submit questions for candidates of these three races between October 1st and October 12th on the League’s website, https://my.lwv.org/oregon/coos-county or to the League’s email address: lwvcoos@gmail.com The debates will be posted for viewing after October 16 on the websites of the League of Women Voters of Coos County, Vote411, and Coos Media Center. In addition to the debates, the LWVCC is organizing individual recorded interviews with candidates for North Bend and Coos Bay City Councils. Candidate forums are a voters’ service project of the League of Women Voters of Coos County. The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization with a mission to encourage the active and informed participation of citizens in government. The League never supports or opposes any candidate or political party and aims to provide impartial information to voters about candidates’ views on issues, and to stimulate interest and participation in the election. For more information, contact LWVCC Forum Chair, Suzanne Grami, 541-260-2028 or LWVCC President, Alice Carlson, 541-756-7290.