No elk feeding tours at Jewell Meadows this season due to virus, Wildlife area remains open for viewing, Nov. 11

ODFW release – SEASIDE, Ore.—ODFW has decided to suspend elk feeding tours at Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area during the 2020-2021 feeding season out of concern for the health and safety of our visitors and staff.  The tours typically occur Dec. 1 – Feb. 28 and allow participants to ride on wagons to several sites and help feed Roosevelt elk on the wildlife area. Given current Covid-19 restrictions and the inability to practice social distancing on the wagons used on the tour, ODFW determined it cannot conduct a quality elk feeding tour while maintaining the safety of participants, staff, and volunteer hosts this season. Wildlife area staff will continue to provide supplemental feed to elk in areas to provide viewing opportunities. Feeding will be conducted closer to viewing areas on weekends so visitors can view the elk from a safe location. Visitors should be prepared to maintain social distancing, wear face coverings and take all usual precautions against the virus. While the wildlife area is still open for public use, all ODFW office buildings remain closed to visitors including the office at Jewell Meadows. For more information, call Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area at (503) 755-2264 or see the Visitor Guide at