CHW release – Coos Health & Wellness is committed to bringing you the most current school metrics data for Coos County. We believe it is everyone’s responsibility to do all we can to get our children back to in person learning wherever that is possible. The State has set specific data points for counties to maintain to allow schools to work on re-opening. Each week we will post the newest data on our social media and send out a PSA with this material as well. The most recent changes we would like to call to your attention include: 1. New metrics with a two week “Look Back” at the data and removal of state positivity rate 2. A plan to increases access for in-person instruction beginning at the elementary level. It is up to us, as a community, to be the best public health stewards we can be. We are asking that you follow the guidelines such as social distancing, wearing a face covering in public and using good hand hygiene to help keep our case counts low enough that we can get our schools re-opened for the benefit of our children. If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please visit our website HERE for the most recent guidance, or email us at