Shore Acres Garden Closed through Dec. 2, Nov. 19

OPRD release – COOS BAY, Oregon – The formal garden area within Shore Acres State Park is closed Nov. 18 through the end of day Dec. 2, 2020. The rest of the park remains open including the viewpoint and trails outside the garden area. The annual Shore Acres Holiday Lights event usually scheduled from Thanksgiving to New Year’s and held in the garden was canceled earlier this year because of the ongoing pandemic. The garden closure is in response to the latest direction issued by Governor Kate Brown’s temporary freeze executive order. It is possible the closure will be extended past December 2, depending on future executive orders. More information about Shore Acres State Park is available at The $5 parking permit remains in effect. If you visit this park or any other state park and wayside, please be respectful to everyone, wear a face covering, limit social gatherings (including outdoors) to no more than six people and two households, and maintain at least 6-feet physical distance from anyone not in your household.